Sunday, Dec. 10, 2006, 15:46,


Sorry, poor neglected blog! I still don't have internet access at home - note to future Erasmus students - don't choose Club Internet as your ISP. They have no concept of customer service.

There has been a fair amount of coursework over the last few weeks (and coursework is what I should be doing now). However, there has also been a fair amount of social life - I seem to be going out 3-4 times a week, as well as swimming twice a week and cooking for friends from time to time. I'm not complaining!

Been threatened with skiing next Saturday - I've never skied in my life, and I'm half-expecting to break both legs and not be able to come home for Christmas (which by the way is scheduled for the 23rd December - obscenely late, but term doesn't finish til the 22nd).

I realise that there is no longer a tag-board - I did try to fix it but haven't succeeded yet; perhaps over the holiday if I can get Dad off the computer for long enough. If you really really want to contact me and don't have either of my hotmail addresses, use [email protected] - I will reply from a hotmail address, but don't like to put them on the internet so as not to attract too much spam.

Have recently received both my Erasmus grant (the week after I came back from Toussaint) and reimbursement for my language course (this week) so I am feeling pleasantly financially secure in time for Christmas.

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- - Monday, Jul. 30, 2007
- - Wednesday, May. 16, 2007
Lyon photo entry - Saturday, May. 12, 2007
more advice for future students (health) - Wednesday, May. 02, 2007
frogs legs - Monday, Mar. 26, 2007

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